Saturday, October 21, 2006

On the move

It's rough in here, welcome to my blog:-) I'll be going from Norway, which is a small country in the north, to South Africa, which is a biggish country in the south next week.
This post, and possibly more to follow, will cover my move.
In this post I'll list the ten things I think I'll miss the most from Norway. The list excludes people, friends and family, because there are too many of them to mention.
  1. The music
  2. Being in my safe and known environment
  3. My studio
  4. My bands
  5. Having regular work
  6. Small Norwegian towns
  7. The Nature
  8. Changing Seasons
  9. Skiing
  10. Punctuality
G, this was a pretty hard list to compose, leaving my friends and family out of the picture... We shall see next Friday, when the hash reality of South African living hits me in the face!


turbo said...

Since nobody are making comments here I'll post one myself. I wont miss the music, I'll just pack it and take it with me. (Like in the song you might add.) So if SAA doesn't screw up and lose my luggage, which they do in 1 out of 2 flights, I'll be on the safe side

Unknown said...

Har du begynt å savne noe enda, eller gjør kjæreste og strandliv at du ikke savner Norge i det hele tatt?

Unknown said...

It's rough out there. Bloggtittelen ble plutselig veldig riktig